Leaders In Automotive Safety Training

kVA by UL’s professional trainers are knowledgeable in the practical application of ISO 26262 and the requirements of safety management processes for automotive engineering. Hosting approximately fifteen onsite trainings and five offsite trainings each year, kVA by UL’s degreed consultants have a deep understanding of the North American automotive market.

Several of these trainings are summarized below:

  • ISO 26262 Training and Certification:
    kVA by UL provides a comprehensive ISO 26262 training and certification course in the U.S.
  • Customized In-House Training for ISO 26262:
    A top 3 global supplier hired kVA by UL to provide in-house education to 40+ engineers. kVA by UL developed several extended customized examples, using real hardware and software from the development group as a component of the educational material.
  • Introduction to Functional Safety for Electrified Powertrains:
    kVA by UL trained approximately 25 engineers during the ITEC’16 Conference and Expo. The training included an introduction to the ISO 26262 standard, walking through the hazard analysis and risk assessment for a hybrid electric vehicle and advanced hazards for electrified powertrains.
  • Combined Management and Engineering Training Events:
    kVA by UL’s Executive Management Training session is often combines with standard 2-Day Engineering Training on ISO 26262. This combination can be provided at your site, by one of kVA by UL’s certified trainers.
  • Specialized Topics:
    kVA by UL can deliver specialized technical training in areas such as safety software, Fault Tree and FMEA methods, determination of Fault Metrics (such as PMHF, SPFM, LFM, etc.), or other topics of your choosing.


“I didn’t think a course on an ISO standard could be both informative and fun, but your course proved that’s possible.” Functional Safety Manager, Semiconductor Manufacturer

“Well-designed training program with instructors who are clearly highly skilled and experienced.” Senior Audit & Operations Executive, Automotive Sector

“I have interacted twice with kVA and what stands out is their remarkable technical insight and their ability to get the best in business to stand on a podium. I don’t think I would have learnt functional safety better at another vendor and I say that without exaggeration.” Powertrain Product Engineer, Vehicle OEM

“I really appreciated the class and I am recommending it for others in my company that work on Functional Safety.”Principal Consultant, Automotive Sector

“I really enjoyed the 4-day training class by kVA. I got to know a lot of people and a lot of different stuff other than the course material. I would like to say that Bill is a great tutor. He has tremendous amount of knowledge in the field of functional safety.”Gasoline Engine Controls Engineer, Vehicle OEM